Homeowner-Staff Bowling Night
It’s time to show off your skills! Kick off this year’s annual Homeowners’ Winterfest with a friendly competition against some of BLR’s most talented bowlers and a few that are still honing in on their skills. Meet us at Galaxy Lanes & Games in Sylva, NC where we will have lanes reserved from 6:00pm until 8:00pm. They have beers and cider on tap, canned/bottled beer, and a variety wines as well as a grill with all of the bowling alley staples!
Just RSVP through SimpleTix and pay for your bowling when you arrive! One game of bowling and shoe rental is $6.75, each additional game you wish to play is $3.50.
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Galaxy Lanes & Games
Questions: Email activities@bearlakereserve.com