It’s extremely common to see tennis courts in communities across the world, and for good reason. Tennis is a generally simple sport to pick up and play for all ages, and it doesn’t require much equipment. It’s a great way to stay active and hone skills like hand-eye coordination and agility. But what if I told you there was another racquet/paddle sport that is even simpler to learn, but just as fun to play? There is, and Bear Lake Reserve is the perfect place to try it out!
In short, pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Players face off as either singles or doubles on a badminton-sized court using a tennis-sized net. Using paddles similar to a ping-pong paddle, players hit a whiffle-ball style ball back and forth until a fault is committed. Games are typically played to 11, 15, or 21 points with a “win by 2” rule. Pretty simple, right?